Today is the 212th day of 2014.
There are 153 days remaining.
153 days to
- become
- accomplish
- change
- add
- subtract
- multiply
- divide
- settle
- disrupt
- begin
- stop
- start
- undo
- grow
- take on
- put off
Don’t look back on the days now spent. That’s not where the energy lies for your To-Do list today…tomorrow…the next 153 days.
You do have a plan for accomplishing your goals for 2014, right? Take a look at it from a period wise advantage.
- Recalculate.
- Reschedule.
- Rephrase.
- Redefine.
- Realign.
- Refine.
Move forward with the plan. Make each of the remaining 153 days move you into who or what you want/need to be on January 1.
Do it for yourself, period wise, and launch yourself into new possibilities.