As we approach #ConfidentCarry day on #May9 many are questioning what it looks like to
confidently carry menstrual products.
Most of us know what concealed carry looks like. Menstrual products are hidden away from sight.
If you reverse the way you carry your menstrual products – from concealed to confidently, and carry them proudly and without concern that someone might see them…what would that look like for you?
And, what of #confidentcarry day on May 9? What confident carry mode will you exhibit? Will you go for the serious display of menstrual product? Or, the wacky?
Will you carry them confidently
- in a transparent bag,
- sticking out of your jean’s pocket,
- peeking from a shirt pocket,
- in a book as a bookmark,
- behind your ear,
- in your hand,
- on your desk along with your pen,
- in a clear purse – proudly displayed,
- on the dashboard of your car
- pinned to your shirt,
- as a bracelet made from tampons,
- attached to your car’s antenna,
- strapped to your arm,
- stuck to your pants…your shirt…your body,
- dangling from your ears like earrings,
- attached to a chain and worn around your neck,
- tied to your belt loop,
- in a clear bag,
- on your wrists,
- tucked into a headband,
- in the box they came in to share with others,
- attached to your belt,
- or, something else that I’ve not thought of yet?
How would you #confidentcarry?
The idea of #ConfidentCarry is to raise awareness of the cultural taboos against confident carry of menstrual products and to provide an opportunity for us all to become an example of what accepting menstruation as normal and healthy looks like.
Girls (and women as well) need to see that it’s okay to be comfortable with menstruation and that there’s no need to feel shame about the fact that they are menstruating and/or carrying period products.
It’s time for the social stigma against menstruation to end. It’s time for girls and women to rise up and affirm that menstruation is good, honorable, acceptable and that shaming and shunning of those menstruating will no longer be tolerated.
Girls should not be embarrassed by their need for menstrual products and should not be put into a position of having to choose whether they will comply with a rule or break it so that they can keep menstrual products handy.
I say, Down with concealed carry!” Let’s be open and confidently carry our menstrual products with pride. And, if anyone says we shouldn’t, we need to remind them that negative attitudes is what brought us to this point where girls are suspended for concealed carry of menstrual supplies and bullying will not be tolerated.
Will you join in the #ConfidentCarry event on #May9? That’s this Friday.
Be an example of #confidentcarry and let’s shake things up! Do it for the girls you love. They will thank you for it.