Tag Archives: conceal carry

Why You Should #ConfidentCarry

Look around you – who watches you?  Who sees you day after day after day?

Who are you influencing?


Are there girls in your life…girls who see you, watch you…learn from you…pattern their habits, thoughts and attitudes after you…?

What are you teaching them as they watch you?

Oh…they are watching you.  Of that you can be certain.

Society tells girls every day that menstruation is shameful and that if anyone knows they are menstruating…they should be ashamed.

What message are you giving the girls in your life? within your sphere of influence?

Do they see you conceal carry your menstrual products?  Do you provide them with instructions on how to conceal their own?

Have those within your circle of influence ever seen you #confidentcarry menstrual products – openly, within sight…visible?

If not…why not?

What does your choice to conceal carry tell them?

What would #confidentcarry say to them?

Step up. Step out. #ConfidentCarry tomorrow, #May9.  Do it for the girls.