Life Before Puberty

Do you remember what it was like before you began to change?

You know…before your body began to respond to the hormonal surges that turned you from a child into an adult?

How much do you remember about the carefree body of your childhood?

The NPR piece set my mind to thinking about my own experience – not only with puberty and the changes it brought, but before.

Before – when I was just a little girl and my biggest concern was what Momma would have for dinner and if I would like it.

As a late bloomer, I had many more years of carefree body life – far more than children who enter puberty at 4, 6, 8….

But, try as I might, I found it difficult to remember what it felt like to live in a prepubescent body.

Oh, I remember the fun…there was a lot of fun. From daylight until dark, days were filled with fun.

In the summer I ran around shirtless like the boys and thought it wasn’t fair that I couldn’t pee on a tree like they could.

I remember the last time I allowed Mom to bathe me, but not how old I was.  She was always careful to make sure I was clean and her manicured nails scratched my delicate skin as she washed between and within. I’d had enough – “I’ll do it myself,” I insisted.

Surely I could part and wash between and within that part of my anatomy far better than she. My fingernails were short and my fingers small. A quick swipe with a soapy washcloth was all I saw a need for.  I had no idea there were folds and bits and pieces of me that were unseen and needed to be clean.

Apparently they weren’t aware either.

My mother had breasts. So did my grandmothers and aunts. And, my female adult neighbors did, too.  In fact, all the women I knew had breasts. They were evident on their chests…bumps or humps or lumps that protruded and got in the way most of the time, especially when they tried to hug you, but they sure did make nice pillows for sleepy heads.

I had a chest.  No breasts on me. And, as far as I knew, no breasts for me. I was a girl – not a woman.

My grandmother once told me, “One day you will have some, too.”

My reply was “No, I’m a girl – I’ll always be a girl and girls have chests…they don’t grow breasts!”

Free to be and at ease with my body, I had no problem being naked…in my backyard, in the wading pool, in the tub, with my family…with my friends. Why would I need clothes?  Why would anyone?

And, why would anyone want to cover up what they had? I knew there were rules that applied to how people dressed and acted, depending on where they were and who they were with.  I didn’t know what social norms were but I knew what was accepted by my parents and expected by others. I just didn’t know why…or care why.

Until a friend who was three years older than I visited me for a day of play.

On previous visits, at the end of a long summer day of play, we had jumped into the bathtub together and splashed away until Mom declared us clean. The only difference in us was our ages and height.

This visit, as daylight dwindled, I was left sitting on the porch while my friend bathed.

“Why can’t we get a bath together like always? Why do I have to wait? There’s plenty of room for us both!” I whined.

Mom said, “She wanted to get a bath by herself this time. Sometimes girls want privacy.”

Privacy! That’s what people asked for when they were in the restroom stall and little kids peeked under to see if the stall was occupied.

Why would my friend need privacy to get in the tub?

“Is something wrong? Is she mad at me? Why doesn’t she want to play in the tub with me?” I quizzed mom.

“One day you will understand,” Mom said. And, with a kiss to my furrowed brow she left me to ponder her words.

And, ponder I did. It was a great mystery and I would be the great detective and set about to discover why it was my friend preferred a boring bath alone to a continuation of playtime.

So, I did what any great detective would do…I tried peeking in the bathroom window. And, yes, Mom caught me before I was able to solve the thing that puzzled me.

And, now, here was a new thing.  My mom was guarding the privacy of my friend and keeping me from her. Surely, I had done something horribly wrong and upset my friend, causing her to reject me and the friendship and openness we once shared.

Our friendship did change from that point onward. I didn’t understand the change until years later, of course, and assumed I was the cause of it.  I mourned the loss I felt and hated the walls that were erected between us.

Age became an issue. I wasn’t “old enough.”  Again…I didn’t understand.

It wasn’t a matter of age.  It was a matter of maturity, of puberty. My friend had become self-aware and sought to hide herself in a cloak of privacy.

I, on the other hand, had no such encumbrances. I had no such burden to bear. I was free to be – me.

There was nothing about me that I thought to hide. My freckled face…my chest…my arms and hands…legs and feet…there was nothing scary about them and no need to hide them.  Everyone had them, except for women, who had breasts and there were laws about letting those bad girls loose in public. I knew…my dad had told me so.  And, I could see why there would be.  Those things could be dangerous…could poke a kid’s eye out or get tangled up in the steering wheel or worse.

I felt sorry for my friend, and for other friends as well, who lost their freedom to be and enjoy unburdened days of childhood. Mom’s words would come to me time and again, “One day you will understand.”

That day came rather unexpectedly. I had stepped out of the tub and was drying myself when I felt soreness on my chest.  And, it seemed the soreness was directly centered under one of my nipples. There was a lump there. My chest was swollen a little there as well.

“MOM!” I yelled, and she appeared instantly in the bathroom door.  “I think I hurt my chest today.  I must have run into the corner of something.”

Mom moved in for closer look.  “Ouch!” I said as she touched my chest and put gentle pressure on the tender lump.

“Are you certain you ran into the corner of something? This is directly beneath your nipple,” she stated with an odd look of concern on her face.

I didn’t recall hurting myself but I had been quite active that day and anything was truly possible and I told her so. “Do you think I have…cancer??” I asked her.

“No…and I don’t think you injured yourself either,” she offered as she felt the other side of my chest and asked, “is that sore, too?”

I shook my head “no” and assured her it was just the one side.  She nodded and said we would keep an eye on it but she was sure it was nothing to worry about.


Over the next few days I watched and waited for a bruise to rise to the surface but one never did.  And, the lump didn’t go down…it got bigger and even more tender.

Instead of going shirtless, I was instructed to keep my shirt on.  And, not only that, but I was given an undershirt to wear as well.

It became shameful to be shirtless.

Suddenly I became self-aware and sought to hide myself and my body.  I was embarrassed and confused.

Something was wrong.

And, I was alone.

All of my peers had moved on years before and those I now played with were younger than I and wondered why I had become aloof and secretive.

My grandmothers delighted in the fact that I as “growing boobies” and said so…to me. And, they also said that I was “becoming a young woman.”

“GROWING BOOBIES??!!!???  A young WOMAN?  ME???”

For the first time in my life I wished I knew curse words.

And, I wished I were once again 3…4…8…10 so I could throw a tantrum and act my age…the age I still felt at times…when things weren’t all mixed up and felt so weird.

“Now that you’re becoming a young woman” became the most hated phrase anyone could say.  Why?  Because each time I heard it, it spelled the end of one of my childhood pleasures.

Grow up?  Me?? For what reason? I was fine just like I was, thank you very much. Become an adult? A woman? A Mommy? Um…why?

For the first time in my life I saw growing up as an obstacle to being me.

From my earliest memories, when someone would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up I would say “a doctor…a nurse…an explorer… a writer….”  Becoming an adult was not even on my radar and certainly not on my horizon.  I saw no need for change…or to become.  I would just be.

And, I would be…me.

And, when asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I began to answer “free.”

Free to be me – that’s all I wanted.

And, now, it seems that I’m coming full circle.  (No, I’m not taking off my shirt and running around the neighborhood half naked – laws haven’t changed.)

I’m rediscovering the me that existed before becoming encumbered with the burden of “becoming a woman.”

Do your girls a favor –

  • Prepare them EARLY, explain to them, don’t be secretive.
  • Be open – with your own experience, with age appropriate information.
  • Make “the change” a normal part of THEIR growth…explain, explain, explain.
  • Help your girls see that it’s about becoming MORE who they are and not a time when they lose who they were.
  • Don’t force them to embrace an identity they are unfamiliar with and one that makes them uncomfortable, secretive and embarrassed.
  • Growing up is confusing enough as it is.  Don’t make things harder than they are.

Do Birth Control Pills Up Your Glaucoma Risk? Studies Say YES!

Have you ever noticed that your vision changes, depending on where you are in your cycle?

Ever wonder why?

Cells in your eyes have estrogen receptors.

What well known female hormone rises and falls throughout a woman’s monthly cycle?


Did you know research is indicating that women who use oral birth control are at greater risk of developing glaucoma than women who don’t?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention collected data on 3,406 women over the age of 40.  It was found that:

The women who had taken oral contraceptives for more than three years were more than twice as likely to be diagnosed with glaucoma. (Read more.)

As one who, during the first 5 years of my marriage, entrusted my menstrual cycle, family size and future health to birth control pills I’ll admit…I find this a bit unnerving.

And, especially so when I consider an article published in 2011 that cites findings from the Nurse’s Health Study, which followed 79,440 women aged 40+ from 1980 to 2006:

…we did find an adverse relation between longer duration of OC (oral contraceptives) use and POAG (Primary Open Angle Glaucoma). In a model that controlled for age at menarche, age at menopause, parity, and PMH (Postmenopausal Hormone) use, there was a 25% increased risk of POAG  associated with 5 or more years of OC use. (Read more.)

Couple these findings with the fact that oral contraceptives (aka birth control pills) are often prescribed to girls as an easy fix for menstrual irregularities, issues, and irritations and I can’t help but wonder what we are doing to the next generation of women.

Be future wise when you consider things period wise, especially when it comes to those who depend on you to make wise choices concerning them and their future.

BV or Yeast?

If you find yourself itchy “down there” with a recurrent irritating discharge and odor, and find that over the counter yeast infection creams don’t help – you might have BV (bacterial vaginosis).

Learn what causes the recurring itch and what to do about it in Dr. Lauren Streicher‘s article, “When Your Vagina’s in a Phunk.”

Here’s an excerpt.

In addition to being uncomfortable and dangerous, BV can be really expensive. Ask any woman who has gone to the drugstore and invested $50 in anti-yeast medication only to find that the irritation, odor and discharge are still there. By the time she sees her doctor, gets a test for BV, and pays for her prescription, one episode of BV can cost hundreds of dollars. As if that weren’t enough, it comes back 30% of the time. Read more.

What’s Your Period Personality?

When it comes to your period, what’s your personality?

Are you…

  • shy?
  • outgoing?
  • private?
  • open?
  • bold?
  • timid?
  • adventuresome?
  • conservative?
  • a risk taker?
  • prefer to play it safe?
  • satisfied?
  • searching?

Your period personality can reveal much about who you are and how you feel about

  • menstruation
  • your cycle
  • your body
  • yourself
  • femininity
  • life
  • your role(s)
  • change
  • aging
  • moods
  • improvement

Did you know your period personality affects more than just you? Yes! It affects your

  • daughter
  • son
  • partner/significant other
  • coworkers
  • peers
  • friends
  • environment
  • finances
  • mental health
  • physical well-being
  • attire
  • sleep
  • work
  • travel

What’s your period personality?  And…why?

Think “change” this month.

Be period wise. Be wise, period.

Which Comes First – Periods or Puberty Ed?

Often what comes first is puberty, followed closely by periods with education about both lagging far behind.

With many girls experiencing their first period (menarche) in 5th grade, and some in second (or even first grade), waiting until 6th grade to offer puberty/sex ed makes no sense.

If girls received information and education about changes they would soon experience BEFORE they experienced them and felt prepared, they would be empowered to embrace the changes. What a difference it would make in their comfort level and ability to accept the changes and feel good about themselves and the changes they experience and see in their peers.

For more about this, check out NPR’s piece: Puberty Is Coming Earlier, But That Doesn’t Mean Sex Ed Is.

Living Within Your Cycle

As one who no longer flows, I can attest that menstruation is an important and necessary component to a woman’s emotional makeup.

As my body becomes more and more accustomed to the lessening of hormones that menopause brings, I find that my mind wishes to become so, but is as yet unable.

I still seek my cycle day (CD) and the knowledge of where I am within my cycle.  If I detect ovulation, I eagerly anticipate the changes that will lead to menstruation.

Yes, even without a uterus, my body signals when menstruation begins.  Menstruation is more than physical – more than a matter of blood flowing from your vagina.

Menstruation is mental as well. It’s a welcome change…a needed and necessary change.

How often have you said/heard, “I’ll be glad when my period starts!” ?

Why do you suppose we say that? What is it about menstruation that’s so welcome?

I wish all who cycle eagerly anticipated the changes each cycle day brought and welcomed the strengths present in them.

Living within your cycle is an awesome way to live.

It’s empowering.

It’s liberating.

It’s period wise.

Pregnant Before Her First Period

At 11 years of age, Hope became a mother just weeks shy of her 12th birthday.  The baby’s daddy is just 17 months older.

Hope’s mother, Lisa, says that she was shocked to find out on Christmas Eve of last year that her daughter was pregnant — when Hope was already six months along. She recalls that, as Hope was getting up off the couch, she noticed that her stomach was protruding out. “Hope had never even gotten her period,” Lisa says. She insists that she had no idea that Hope and her boyfriend, Bailey, were having sex.(Read more about Dr. Phil’s show 10-10-13.)

Did you notice what Hope’s mom said?  “Hope had never even gotten her period.”

11 year old Hope got pregnant and she’d never had a period – not one.

What about your girls? Have you “had the talk” with them? Are your girls sexually active?  Would you know if they were?

What about it, moms?  Are your girls period wise?

Period Wise Women BSE (Breast Self Exam)

A dear friend recently underwent surgery to eradicate and prevent breast cancer. I wish her all the best as I pray for a speedy and full recovery.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

The National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM) is a collaboration of national public service organizations, professional medical associations, and government agencies working together to promote breast cancer awareness, share information on the disease, and provide greater access to services. (Read more.)

For more information about breast cancer and how you can make a difference, visit  Susan G. Komen and click around the site.

It’s not enough to know about breast cancer – we all need to be proactive concerning it.


By conducting a monthly BSE (Breast Self Exam).

John Hopkins Medical Center states:

“Forty percent of diagnosed breast cancers are detected by women who feel a lump, so establishing a regular breast self-exam is very important.”

It’s important that younger women, as well as older, practice BSE on a regular basis to become and remain aware of what’s normal and what’s not.

Beginning in their 20s, women should be told about the benefits and limitations of breast self-exam (BSE). Women should be aware of how their breasts normally look and feel and report any new breast changes to a health professional as soon as they are found. Finding a breast change does not necessarily mean there is a cancer.

A woman can notice changes by knowing how her breasts normally look and feel and feeling her breasts for changes (breast awareness), or by choosing to use a step-by-step approach (with a BSE) and using a specific schedule to examine her breasts. (Read more at The American Cancer Society.)

And, lest we forget, Breast Cancer is not a women only disease.  Men get it, too.  If your guy won’t or doesn’t know how to self examine, then you show him / do it for him. He won’t mind. Mine doesn’t.  And, while you’re at it, teach him to perform a TSE.  That’s his favorite part. 😉

Self awareness and self examination is oh so important to early detection and to living a period wise life. Know the changes your breasts go through each cycle.  Learn what’s normal, know what’s not.

If you aren’t sure, ask your doctor or health care provider.

Early detection saves lives.

Do You Kegel?

Do you Kegel?  You should. It’s period wise.

Pelvic floor muscle training exercises (aka Kegel exercises) offer a boon for both women and men.

Factors such as pregnancy, childbirth, aging, obesity, surgery, and inactivity often result in the weakening of the pelvic muscles leading to:

  • urinary / fecal incontinence
  • pelvic prolapse
  • sexual dysfunction

Kegel exercises can often remedy these issues.

For information on the proper way to Kegel, check out the video: How to Kegel, by Michelle Kenway. And, while you’re at it, check out her other videos, too!

Tampons, TSS and a 15 yr old Girl

If you think tampon related TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome) is a thing of the past…think again.

Please, think again.

Peyton, at the age of 15, became ill while menstruating and using tampons.

Read her account of her horrifying experience.

This happened in June of this year.- 4 months ago.

Please learn the facts about TSS.

Be period wise. Be tampon wise.  Be TSS wise.